Professional Painters
Professional painters with a minimum of 5 years of experience Must drive their vehicle Hourly and piece work available call between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday only Bus: 416-748-0003
Professional Painters
Professional painters with a minimum of 5 years of experience Must drive their vehicle Hourly and piece work available call between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday only Bus: 416-748-0003
Professional Painters
Professional painters with a minimum of 5 years of experience Must drive their own vehicle Hourly and piece work available call between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday only Bus: 416-748-0003
Renovations of houses and basements
Hello everyone, I renovate houses and basements on a turnkey basis, I will give a good discount 4164754264
HIRING for a live in/out Caregiver
H I R I N G!!!Private QUEABSLooking for a Caregiver/HSW live in or live out2 FULL TIMESSALARY : $20-22/hr Look for Iggy or LevyPlease email me your resume at or contact directly at 416-887-5294
I am hiring a Nanny
I'm hiring a nanny;Midnight Brampton 7 AM - 1 PM until June Daughter is 1 year oldpaid cash Nap, feed, walks, play with daughter, clean up toysNo cleaning or cooking.Please have experience with babysitting Please call; 647 401 2351
Floor & Stairs instalation/resending
Floor instalation/resendingStairs instalation/resendingVinyl instalation
Bricklayer needed tel 416 833-1738
Polmat Inc needs expirances bricklayer tel 416 833-1738 or 416 274-7661
Goldsmith - wanted
I am looking for a person with experience in hand-making rather simple elements from gold and silver. At the moment, these are only a few projects, but the cooperation may develop further.Please reply to:
I'm hiring a gamer
I am hiring a gamer with experience in Canada, number 416-875-8143
Zatrudnię kierowców AZ na Kanadę i US
Europejska firma zatrudni 2 lub 3 kierowców na trasy po Ontario lub do US. $0.60-$0.70 za milę. Wymagane 2 letnie doświadczenie. Part- time lub full- time. Możliwość płatności gotówką. Po więcej informacji proszę dzwonić pod 647-824-0642. Prosze pytać o Dan.
Sklep meblowy Smart Furniture zatrudni osobę na stanowisko konsultant ds. sprzedaży. Język angielski w stopniu komunikatywnym wymagany. Gwarantujemy dobre zarobki i mila atmosfere. Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonić pod numer: 905.270.9000